Course Syllabus

This class will give you the skills to take control of your life. We teach you to stay calm and focused, and to appropriately respond in the moment of fear and intimidation. This class will help you negotiate peer culture and offer skills to address bullying, while also teaching you to manage your body's natural response to stress. Topics we will cover include: boundary setting, assertiveness, relationships, dating safety, and assault. You will practice your verbal and physical skills through simulations with a padded assailant. This course offers experiential learning in a safe and supportive environment and culminates in an all day retreat.

*Class order subject to change based on availability of the Impact Team

Class 1-  Introduction & Class Expectations, Ice Breakers, content and grading.

    • Pecha Kucha 

Class 2-  Review Introduction and allow for Q & A

    • Power UP Documentary viewing & discussion- Power Up First Thoughts Assessment

Class 3-  Experiential Activities, No Props, Communication and Listening- *book the 1938 room for next class

Class 4- Go to library for book talk and selection with librarian 

Class 5- Read in Class *Connect with REACH Beyond Domestic Violence*

Class 6 - Book Talk & Selection with librarian

Class 7 & 8- Get to Know 

Class 9- Student Line up Activity, breaking down barriers, discussion & debrief

Classes 10-12- IMPACT to come to teach physical skills

Class 13-14-  Role Play: Conversations & Discussions

Class 15-17- IMPACT to come teach physical skills 

Class 18-  Guest Speaker: REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, Consent, "How do I communicate what I want?"

Class 19- Video: Warning signs of Relationship Abuse

Class 20- Book Reviews & Current Events

Class 21- Book Reviews & Current Events

Class 22- Retreat Preparation: Review

    • Order shirts, invitations, lunch

Class 23- Pre-Retreat Activity: Interdisciplinary activity with a colleague

Class 24- IMPACT comes for full day/ Graduation Day

Class 25- Debrief: 3-2-1 Assessment- Watch Graduation/Video Assessment

Class 26- PBL Everyone Has A Story & Gallery Walk

Class 27- Reflection Activity

Class 28- Day of FUN

Class 29- Final Class, Closure  

Assessments:  Formative & Summative, PBL, journaling, class discussion and group work