Course Syllabus
Español 3 H/ACP ~ BLOQUE Morado ~Señora O’Neill EMAIL: Aula 242 |
A) Objetivo del curso: Students will be able to speak, read, write and listen to Spanish at the Intermediate Mid level. Students will be able to use advanced verb tenses such as the subjunctive, as well as shifting from past- imperfect and pretérito - to future tense all while incorporating a wide variety of vocabulary covered in the themes that we study this year. |
B)Para ser exitoso/a en la clase: To be successful in this class you must: I) Have a good attitude about learning, meaning you want to learn and make an effort to get better! II) Be organized with your materials III) Exercise good study skills – constantly review what we do in class not just for tests/quizzes but daily! IV) Always speak in Spanish!!! V) Tell me when you need help, feel confused, need something repeated, etc… I want to help you understand, improve and reach your full potential! |
C) Expectativas (Expectations) I. Show respect and be kind. Have a positive attitude about learning español!!!!! II. In this class electronic devices silenced and put into the phone station. Failure to observe this guideline will result in your electronic device being confiscated and given to your house office. YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR CELLPHONE IN THE SAME # POCKET AS YOUR DESK. IF YOUR DESK HAS 1A ON IT YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR CELLPHONE IN THE POCKET #1 @CELLPHONE STATION A. III. Be prepared for class. Packet, pen/pencil and notebook. IV. There is some kind of homework every time that the class meets.(written and/or reviewing/studying) As a rule, you should spend a minimum of 30 minutes per day reviewing what was covered that day in addition to what has previously been presented. This is your part of the learning this year. I see that students who put time into reviewing and studying and doing the homework progress consistently with their Spanish. V. Regular attendance is expected in this class. It will positively impact your grade in this class. VI. Absences, tardiness, not speaking in Spanish, incomplete assignments, failure to make up work, not paying attention or not being on task, talking when inappropriate, distracting others, showing disrespect, sleeping, not bringing materials to class, not following directions, being passive and/or showing a lack of effort or interest will negatively impact your grade in this class. |
D) Absences Please email me when you are sick and will not be in class. it is your responsibility to find out what was covered in class and make up what you missed before your return to WHS. |
E) Grading You may view your progress in this class on POWERSCHOOL! All evaluations include current and past material. Participation=classwork, oral participation, homework This grade is based on: a. Only Español may be spoken in this classroom! (You may use “¿Cómo se dice… en español? When you don’t know how to say something b. You must actively participate in every class. c. You must bring your materials, ie; study packets, pen/pencil, notebook to every class. |
Term Grade Categories and Weights + Sequential Term Weights |
Term weights
Acknowledgement We understand the expectations, absence, and grading policies in this class. _________________________ _________________________ Student signature date Parent/ guardian signature date |
Language Laboratory Rules
- You will always follow Señora O’Neill´s instructions in the Laboratory.
- When entering the Laboratory, leave the backpacks and cell phones by the door. You are only allowed to keep a PENCIL and an ERASER. Pens are not allowed.
- If you need to “ir a los servicios” you must log in your computer first.
- Neither food, nor drinks, nor gum is allowed in the Laboratory.
- Sit in the seat you are assigned on the first day.
- You will treat the equipment with respect that you are using in the Laboratory. Inform Señora O’Neill if there is any writing on your desk IMMEDIATELY!!
- Before you leave the Laboratory you will make sure there is no trash around your seat and push your seat under the desk.
_________________________ _______________________
Student signature Date
Mis horas de oficina
Day 3 - 7:45- 8:30 Day 5 - 7:45- 8:30 Wednesday afternoons - 2:35- 3:15 |
REMIND: This is a website that all students NEED to join which will allow me to TEXT you reminders about homework and evaluations!!! Don’t worry I can’t see your phone number nor can you see mine! It is completely confidential!
It also gives you the fastest line of communication with me! When you have a question you can text me or when you are absent from class.
I will usually not respond to texts after 7pm.
Bloque morado
Objective: Students will use these expressions to maintain all communication
en español at all times.
1)¿Puedo ir a los servicios? ¿Puedo ir a los aseos? |
= Can I go to the bathroom? |
2) ¿Puedo ir a la enfermera? |
= Can I go to the nurse? |
3) ¿Puedo beber agua? |
= Can I drink water? |
4) ¿Qué página en el paquete? |
= What page in the packet? |
5) ¿Qué hacemos? |
= What are we doing? |
6) ¿Qué significa “________________”? ¿Qué quiere decir “_______________”? |
= What does ________ mean? |
7) ¿Cómo se dice_____________ en español? |
= How do you say______in Spanish? |
8) ¿Hay deberes? |
= Is there homework? |
9) Señora, repite por favor. |
= Señora, please repeat. |
10) Señora, necesito ayuda. |
= Señora, I need help. |
11) Señora, escribe la palabra por favor. |
= Señora, please write the word. |
12) Más despacio, por favor. |
= Slower please |
13) No comprendo. No entiendo. |
= I don’t understand. |
14) No sé. |
= I don’t know. |
15) ¿Cuándo es la prueba? |
= When is the quiz? |
16) ¿Hablamos? |
= Are we speaking? |
17) ¿Escribimos? |
= Are we writing? |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |