Course Syllabus



    • You need to log-in and navigate from our home page.
blank line

blank line

Image Credit: The compass rose above is from a map displayed in our classroom. Information about is available here. 





Hello Parents, Guardians and Other Supporting Adults!

Thank you for your support of the work I do with your children. I appreciate it, and though they sometimes signal otherwise, they do too. That said, high school is a time for students to take on more and more responsibility for their own work and learning, so we do need to figure out how to respect those signals for more independence and help our young people be ready for 10th grade next year. Knowing when to intervene and when to step back is tricky, so please be in touch with your questions as the year goes on (my contact information is below). Many people making the transition from 8th to 9th grade do benefit from support, and this page has resources you can use to offer that support. 


Here's what you can access from this page:

  1. A folder (no log-in required) with Course Expectations and where I will put other policy documents.
  2. Each class's assignment calendar(no log-in required as of 10/9/17)
    • BLUE Class 
    • TAN Class 
    • GREEN Class
      • TIP: Each class has a number. That same number is on that day's homework assignment in PowerSchool, any documents stored in our class on-line folder, each day's paper "StartUp" page, etc.
      • TIP: It is possible to subscribe to the assignment calendar on a tablet, smart phone and/or computer. Many students find this helpful, and I would appreciate your support in setting up their devices. They can also get support in the school's Tech Office (room 356).



What you can't access:


  1. The rest of our "Canvas" space: Students need to log-in to see the rest of Canvas and will navigate the site from the home page here
  2. Our Extra Handouts Folder: All handouts that students receive in our shared GoogleDrive folder (student log-in required)
      • The number at the start of the file name matches the class number (see Calendar, above). So a student who misses class 7 will need all documents that start with 07.




    • Here is the school's PowerSchool Parent Portal page. A guide for the scores I enter in PowerSchool is available in PowerSchool in the info box at the top of the screen and here.
      • TIP: The PowerSchool Computer portal offers better information than the phone app.
      • TIP: if it's blue, you can click on it, even if it's just a -- (dash)
      • Also, here's a PowerSchool How-To presentation our tech department put together. Other tips are in red text.
    • I suggest to students that they check their World History section of PowerSchool one or two times per week. More than that is not generally helpful and may not be healthy.


    WHAT STUDENTS SHOULD DO WHEN ABSENT: (1) Check the calendar--get the number for the class you missed. (2) Use the info on the calendar, especially the class number, to find the right handouts. (3) Start with the Start-Up. Do as much as you can on your own. (4) Submit HW/assignments to Ms. Hiester and/or the other teacher for our class. (5) Check-in with Ms. Hiester to make sure you are up-to-date.



    Contacting Me

    As much as possible, I aim to work with students directly and involve them in conversations I have about them with their parents, guardians and other supportive adults. There are a very small handful of instances when involving students in these conversations is not appropriate, but in general, I find that results are better when students are engaged on their own behalf. One goal I have for students during 9th grade is that they become competent at reaching out, both in person and by email, for help and clarification. Different 9th graders need different forms of support to develop that skill, and it makes sense for families to offer the help that makes sense for their children. Sometimes this means an email from you to me. Other times, it means other kinds of help like:

    • reviewing the assignment calendar (above) together and finding a time for a student to come in during drop-in hours
    • helping kids understand their own schedules and practicing how to schedule a help session
    • helping kids write an email to arrange a meeting or ask a question

    I do make it clear students that I prefer to communicate in person whenever possible, but I realize this is not often practical for home-school communication. So here are ways you can be in touch.

    • EMAIL: My email address is I welcome your emails. Please do understand that the bulk of my day is spent working with students in and out of class, collaborating with colleagues, preparing lessons and reviewing student work. I designate time at least once each day to work through my email inbox, but I will likely not get back to you immediately. If there is an urgent matter involving student safety, please contact your student's housemaster and/or guidance counselor.
    • PHONE: If a phone call is the best option, you can leave me a message at 781.446.6290 x4861. Please do let me know when is a good time to return your call. And again, for urgent matters involving student safety, please be sure you speak with a person rather than leave a message.
    • IN-PERSON: If need be, I do schedule meetings with students and parents/guardians, and in rare circumstances, with parents/guardians alone.


    The WHS Cycle Schedule

    • Confused by the "cycle schedule"? 1) Work with your child to fill out one of these "Color Block Schedules." ColorBlock Schedule BLANK.pdf 2) Use the Cycle Schedule calendar to see what blocks meet on what days.

    Course Summary:

    Date Details Due